Breaking Food Addiction: tackling the REAL problem

Are you tired of feeling like a slave to your cravings (or binge urges)? Have you ever wondered why certain foods hold such power over you, making you feel helpless and out of control? 

Today, I'm addressing this struggle that many of us share—the battle against cravings and the constant guilt that follows restrictive diets.

A Common Symptom

If you're nodding along, you're not alone. I, too, wrestled with this cycle, finding myself at late-night stores, succumbing to snacks even when not hungry.

Food addiction is a common symptom of overeating, whether it's binge, emotional, or compulsive. It often feels like a battle against food, and sadly, food always seems to win, no matter how strong our willpower.

For years, I cycled between overeating and strict diets, unaware of the real problem.

The truth? It wasn't my appetite or the diets I experimented with. The real issue was my disconnection from my body's natural signals of hunger and fullness. Understanding this was my key to breaking free.

A False Problem

Like many, I once thought my never-ending hunger was the problem. I tried countless diets, hoping to curb my appetite, but none worked. I found myself stuck in a cycle, unable to break free, addressing a problem that wasn't real.

Back then, I didn't realize that the real issue wasn't my appetite; and diets and stricter food rules only served to confuse me further, making it difficult to know when to eat, how much, and when to stop—even when I was full.

This confusion led me astray for years (9 to be precise)

The Disconnect and the Search for Solutions

For many of us, this journey began with a desire for a healthier life or a simple diet. But then, rules like "no carbs at night" or completely avoiding processed food crept in, making us ignore our natural hunger.

We started following external guidelines, strict diets, and these rules severed our connection with our body's signals of hunger and fullness. 

Imagine practicing portion control (just another food rule) and then facing an unexpectedly large plate of pasta at a restaurant. How are you supposed to know when to stop eating?

Building a relationship with your body is akin to a romantic relationship—it requires communication. In the past, you intuitively knew how much to eat.

But now, your eating behavior is controlled by rigid rules, leaving you confused and guilty when your appetite doesn't align with what you "should" eat.

The Consequences

I normalized this unhealthy relationship with food for nearly a decade. 'Once a dieter, always a dieter' was my mindset, and I was okay with it, although it cost me so much precious time.

If you find yourself constantly seeking a better diet or employing more discipline without reconnecting with your body, your weight will remain unstable, and the guilt associated with eating what you enjoy will persist.

With Christmas around the corner, wouldn't you rather just enjoy 'Home Alone' on TV than being in your head, calculating the step count you have to achieve to burn off the sweets you just enjoyed but feel guilty about eating?

The Turning Point: Reconnecting with Your Body

But there's hope. I've been where you are, feeling trapped and powerless. The turning point for me was understanding that I wasn't weak for not sticking to meal plans; the real issue was my broken relationship with food. 

By rediscovering what I liked to eat and honoring my appetite, I reconnected with my body.

Now, I enjoy life without the constraints of diets or guilt. I no longer cancel family gatherings out of fear, and I've even started my own business. I'm free, and you can be too.

Your Path to Freedom

This could be you in a few weeks from now. Just imagine enjoying NYE, focusing on things that truly matter to you instead of setting yet another body goal. 

Imagine a life where food doesn't control you anymore. Picture enjoying treats without feeling guilty and stopping when you're satisfied (not only on holidays 😎).

You now know what to work on: 

  • Reconnect with your body

  • let go of labels, and understand that food isn't inherently good or bad. 

  • Get to know your appetite

  • honor your hunger

…and start a new life—one that is free from food addiction.

Let me help you

If you need help on doing that, check out Food Freedom Forever, my in-depth 6-week healing course.

Your roadmap designed to guide you from feeling crazy around food to eating balanced - all without guilt.

With 15+ practical action plans tailored for any tricky food situation and nine years of expertise in one course, you'll gain the tools to break free from food addiction.

You deserve a healthy relationship with food. Start your journey today by clicking here.


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